17. C) Attempted Counter intelligence Operation by the us government that failed.

Attempted Counter intelligence Operation by the us government that failed.

Early in the year 2005 after posting numerous things on the internet concerning the Muslim brotherhood, Islam and the general direction of the country I was met by some strange characters. Some were middle aged and white, some were thug type members of the military based out of Fort Meade Maryland. Strange as it sounds, after learning later, they were all connected.

Upon meeting them, somehow they had developed the idea that I was some kind of internet geek, which was far from True. I was a ditch digger, a Miner  aggregate producer and a burger flipper who delivered pizza on the side. I was trying to learn as many different languages as my brain could handle (counting and calculating with numbers in as many languages as possible, into trans national business ideas, import export, buying, selling, trading and homemade handmade goods from distant places. I was also heavy into Astronomical Scientific speculation. At that time I would spend no less then 4 hours a day talking with Electrical Engineers, Doctors of Chemistry and Physics, Sound Engineers and Technicians, NASA and Military people. During that Time there was talk of shutting down the Hubble Telescope, I was trying to figure out a way to buy it with no money down…

At some point a pair in the group, alleged husband and wife offered me a computer system. The lady, “G—– B——“, she set the entire thing up for me. She Told me she got it from Fort Meade and said it was the state of the art and it was worth about $4,000.00. During that time period, I would spend time with her husband who was a CGI artist who was stationed at Walter Reid Medical Center. We spent hours theorizing on NANO technology and all its infinite applicable processes and uses. I didn’t pay a dime for the computer. I assumed the lady stole it or she was given the computer to give to me in hopes of using NSA Technology to steal from me or set me up for some kind of crime in the future.

In late 2005, mid december, after using the computer for nothing one day the lady and what appeared to be a bunch of just released from prison half way house people came to my home, kicked my door in a took all the computer gear and 3 or 4 of my digital cameras. They took all my stuff. I called the police. The police happened to show up about 5 minutes after they left and said that there was nothing they could do for me. My doors were broken, the police did not even get out of the car. They just asked what happened. wrote my information down and left. That was it.


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